Thursday, November 7, 2013

Diva Dinner-Easy Orange Chicken

This diva has been a tired diva lately. Thankfully I've had a little helper!

He loves helping wash the dishes with me. 

Tonight I did not feel like cooking. So I threw this quick easy meal together!

I took some breaded chicken strips and baked them according to the package. 

Then I chopped them up into pieces. 

Threw them is a skillet and added this sauce I bought at Tom Thumb. 

Mixed it up good then let it heat up on the stove for a few minutes before tossing it back in the oven. 

Then I heated up these minute rice bowls.

And boom! Dinner is served!

This sauce was just ok for me. Not great. I'd give it three out of five stars. There was just something missing. A little more spice I suppose. But the hubby thought it was good and it was in a tired bind. But I'm sure there are other orange sauces out there to find and try!

Well all, I'm exhausted so I'll catch y'all later!  

Repost: It's Me, Té!: Updating Your Kindle Books Tutorial

I just did a post over on my author's blog, that I thought I would share since it can be useful to anyone with a kindle!

Click on the link to check it out!
It's Me, Té!: Updating Your Kindle Books Tutorial: