Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Video You've All Been Waiting For!!!

Morning All!!

I'm trying to squeeze this blog in before it's time to get little Chloe up and ready for school (which really just consists of me going to say "Hey time to get up!" then she handles the rest, but still...).

However I looked at the date of my last blog and I'm thinking "Holy Cow! December was the last time I wrote to you guys?!" The Russ Family is quite a busy family, especially with my writing (pause for shameless plug: Go to my Author's Blog and check things out over there! Including my books available on amazon!).
Ok let's see if the writer can just do a cliff notes version of everything from like the last six months.

December: Christmas was great!
December/January: Alex and I went on our first vacation/kinda finally honeymoon, on a cruise to the Bahamas (I'll have to come back and blog in-depth about that, shame on me for not doing it already). It was beyond amazing!
February: Alex and I celebrated 8 years being together! Better than ever baby, planning our next vacation for our 8 year wedding anniversary in October thinking of doing a vow renewal on the beach in the Bahamas.
March: Hmmm....Brittany turned 15...15! Yikes!
April: Can't think of anything...It rained?
May: Chloe lost her first tooth last weekend! That had me all full of crazy mommy emotions. Speaking of being a mommy I also went skydiving for Mother's Day....

I know for those of you who don't know or may not know me you're like "What?!" Those who do know me are like, "Finally! You haven't said much about it."

Ok here's the run down:

Were you nervous before?

Yes, but I honestly tried to think about it as little as possible. Alex was doing his first solo jump the same day so I thought more about that than my own jump. The closer we got to doing it the more nervous I got, but like the guy says in the video by the time we're up in the air "there's no turning back".

How was it?

Ok here's the thing. Like right before we got on the truck to drive to the plane, my allergies started going bananas. I mean the works! Itchy watery eyes, hay fever....everything. Also, I decided to do the jump with my glasses on under these goggles you have to wear. That wasn't the best idea either. The goggles are pulled super tight so my glasses were squished to my face so tightly I couldn't see. Pair that with itchy watery so hot.

I was the second one out the plane. What I didn't realize is there's like no break between the person before you and you jumping! Like as they're dangling over the plane to jump, you're scooching over right behind them and as soon and they're out you're dangling out of plane, then three, two, one and BAM!!!  You're free-falling.

At that point, I'm just thinking things like:

"Holy crap! I can't believe I'm falling through the sky with nothing but a man with a parachute strapped to my back!"
"What the #@%# was I thinking doing this?!"
"Oh crap, hands like this, legs like this!"
"Don't throw up!"
"Have fun! They said that's the number one things."
"Smile for the camera!"
"Try to look around!" (Again this was difficult because of my squished glasses)
"Don't throw up!"

Once the chute was released though, everything mellowed out and it was totally awesome! I was able to adjust my glasses and see better! That was the fun part for me. But it was cold up there that day (although I wasn't complaining so much when I got back down on the ground!).

He even let me steer the parachute around, which was beyond amazing!

You always see things from that high in planes and stuff and it looks so cool, but being able literally fly through all of that, seeing everything God created like's breathtaking.

The landing was a little rocky, but all in all, great experience.

Would you do it again? Would you recommend others to do it?

The more I think about it, the more I say yes. The type A in me is so nit-picky about my free-fall because I could barely see, I think that caused a small case of panics. So I've told myself if/when I jump again: A. Glasses stay on the ground and B. Either jump on a low/no pollen day or make sure I have my allergy meds on hand. Lol! I'm telling you guys, afterwards my eyes were so red and puffy and swollen, it was not cute. I wore Alex's sunglasses the entire rest of the time there! Thankfully another lady had some allergy medicine and offered me some.

Any way I would definitely tell anyone to do it! It doesn't matter if you're scared out of your mind at just the thought of doing it. If you have even an inkling of "I wonder what it's like" then just do it!
A few years ago when Alex got his motorcycle, I said to myself, I was never getting on that thing. But at some point I guess I had an epiphany or something and realized you only get one life! You should enjoy it as much as possible. And I trust my husband like 2000 percent...we went slow at first and soon we were blasting down the freeways and I was loving it! Ever since then, I try to have a much fun as possible, doing all sorts of things, even if they're scary.

The thing is, it's usually over before you know it and then you're left thinking, "I can't even believe that really happened!"

Anyway here's the video!!! FYI: The song is called 116 by Trip Lee featuring KB and Andy Mineo. They are all Christian rappers and let me tell you, it is the most amazing thing to see them in concert! I've been to quite a few concerts over the years and there is absolutely nothing greater than watching a bunch of people in the same room having fun, dancing, jumping, screaming and hollering for Christ. Whoever thinks Christians don't have fun must not know....